Apple has announced a collaboration with two of today’s hottest music artist, Lady Gaga and Dua Lipa. It comes in the form of two new Remix Sessions for the iOS/iPadOS version of GarageBand (sorry, Mac users). In addition, Apple is making available seven new Producer Packs full of beats, loops, and instruments created by some of the music industry’s top producers.
The new free offerings are timed to coincide with the launch of Watch the Sound with Mark Ronson on Apple TV+, which premieres on Friday, July 30. That documentary series gives the inside story behind the creation and production of some of today’s most popular music. There’s even an eighth Producer Pack available that serves as a companion piece to the show, allowing users to experiment with sounds and instruments inspired by it.
The Lady Gaga and Dua Lipa tie-in comes in the form of two Remix Sessions: in-app tutorials that let you follow along to learn how to use GarageBand. The video sessions are led by an Apple Retail Creative Pro, and let you follow along using Live Loops to remix “Break My Heart” by Dua Lipa and “Free Woman” by Lady Gaga.