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  • Writer's pictureBig Rick Stuart

If Williams Sonoma Cooked A Frozen Turkey So Can You

I've done it 5 times and in 2023 it will be the 6th time I have cooked a frozen turkey.

I know that sounds weird at first like some episode of Bob's Burgers but think of it as a fast (and safe) thaw then roasting.

Only do this in the oven. A frozen anything in gallons of hot oil is a very bad idea.

The Kithcn says Why is it safe? Whenever we’re thawing and cooking turkeys, our goal is to move the bird through the temperature danger zone of 40°F to 140°F as quickly as possible. This is because, within this range, harmful bacteria and toxins can accumulate to harmful levels if the food is left for too long (longer than two hours).

When cooking a frozen turkey, no part of the turkey is within the temperature danger zone for longer than is safe, even though the total cooking time is longer. The meat cooks through as it thaws and reaches that safe temperature within those two hours.

How long does it take and what do you end up with?

It takes about 50% longer and it tastes great. You roast for a long time in a steamy oven. I would say it doesn't have the flavor of an overnight wet brine with a fresh (not frozen) turkey but it is far less fuss.

My biggest tips are to remove the bag of spare parts aka giblets inside the turkey after about an hour and 1/2 so hot air can get inside the turkey.

After a few hours and when it is past the frozen stage go ahead and flavor the turkey how you like and put some butter under the skin etc.

Keep going in the oven until the breast reaches 165 and the thighs hit 175. Then let it rest. While the turkey is on break make some gravy like this Foolproof Gravy from Betty Crocker.

Serve and enjoy and welcome to the ICFTC "I Cooked A Frozen Turkey Club"

Here are some links and more info.

Have you ever gotten up on a Thanksgiving or holiday morning to find your turkey isn’t completely thawed, or worse yet, you forgot to take it out of the freezer? As you sit there wondering how you can get the turkey thawed out in time, one thought will surely cross your mind, because it’s crossed all of ours when we’re in this situation: Can I cook it frozen?

The simple answer is YES. Keep reading to find out how to roast a frozen turkey.

The first thing you have to realize is that at this moment you are in damage control mode, so don’t even begin to think about how to inject your secret seasoning blend into it or figure out how to stuff it with grandma’s cornbread stuffing. Remember, this isn’t about putting the best turkey you’ve ever eaten on the table, it’s about getting a delicious, cooked turkey on the table.

Roasting a Frozen Turkey: How to Do It

Step #1: Stick it in the oven.

Preheat your oven to 325ºF. Unwrap the turkey and place it on a rack in a shallow roasting pan or a baking sheet. You want a pan that has low sides so you can get good air circulation around the turkey. Place the turkey in the oven for two hours—and don’t peek. You want to keep as much heat in the oven as possible.


So, your turkey is still frozen. You have no time left to thaw it, and it’s Thanksgiving morning. Is all lost? No! You can easily and safely cook a completely frozen turkey — and it will taste pretty good! If you find yourself staring down a turkey that’s still frozen solid on Thanksgiving morning, we have the easy and safe method to cook it into a golden, delicious Thanksgiving showstopper.

How Much Longer Does a Frozen Turkey Take to Roast?

Your frozen turkey will take about 50 percent longer to cook than if it was thawed. For instance, a 14-pound frozen turkey will take about 5 3/4 hours to cook — refer to the chart below for more estimated cooking times.

You can also cook a partially thawed turkey; the estimated cooking times will be slightly less than for a frozen turkey.

The turkey cooks as it thaws. The wings and drumsticks will cook the fastest since they’re relatively small and are on the outside of the turkey, while the big, thick muscle on the breast will take the longest. It also cooks from the outside in, so when you check the temperature during cooking, the meat close to the surface might be done cooking, while the meat closer to the bone will still be cool. Be sure to check the turkey’s temperature at multiple places and at multiple depths; when everything is above 165°F, you’re ready to eat.

Our full instructions below also clarify when to season the turkey.

Cooking Times by Weight for Frozen Turkey

  • 8- to 12-pound turkey: 4 to 4 1/2 hours

  • 12- to 14-pound turkey: 4 1/2 to 5 3/4 hours

  • 14- to 18-pound turkey: 5 3/4 to 6 1/4 hours

  • 18- to 20-pound turkey: 6 1/4 to 6 3/4 hours

  • 20- to 24-pound turkey: 6 3/4 to 7 1/2 hours

with details on my experience cooking a frozen turkey

the end result looked like this

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