In gratitude to the entire Napa Valley community, St. Supéry Estate Vineyards and Winery is pleased to announce a commitment to contribute over $100,000 to the Napa Valley Community Disaster Relief Fund through proceeds from the sale of its 2020 Napa Valley Estate Sauvignon Blanc. During the 2020 fires, the COVID pandemic and previous disasters, the Disaster Relief Fund has provided immediate support to the most impacted members of our community.
St. Supéry is thankful to neighbors and first responders who helped protect the Dollarhide Ranch from further damage during the LNU Lightning Complex fires. In August 2020, on the second day of harvest, the LNU fires converged on St. Supéry's 1,530-acre Dollarhide Ranch where the majority of their grapes are grown. Neighbors with water trucks and bulldozers worked alongside St. Supéry's team to cut firebreaks, keeping the fire from moving through the ranch until first responders could offer support. Through teamwork and fast action, fewer than two acres of the 500+ planted acres were directly impacted by the fire, which was contained before spreading further into the community.
The winery was able to harvest sauvignon blanc before the fires disrupted the harvest season. The LNU fire was followed by the Glass Fire. As an estate brand with stringent quality standards, the winery made the difficult decision to not bottle any post-fire wine for 2020. This left only a small quantity of sauvignon blanc picked, about 2% of a normal vintage. Due to the limited quantity, the wine will only be available directly from the winery.
With each bottle sold, $5 will be donated to the Napa Valley Community Disaster Relief Fund.
This commitment will result in a contribution in excess of $100,000. The Fund, which is managed by Napa Valley Community Foundation and was established with a $10 million lead gift from Napa Valley Vintners following the 2014 South Napa Earthquake, has distributed more than $25 million for relief and recovery from recent disasters, providing services and direct cash assistance to thousands of survivors.
"We are happy to join the Napa Valley Vintners, our neighbors and friends near and far in their generosity to the Fund. I have lived in Napa Valley for over 30 years and I never cease to be inspired by the unity and kindness of our community. We will be forever grateful to all those who responded to help us in late August. When we sell our 2020 Napa Valley Estate Sauvignon Blanc, we want the proceeds to support the community. Napa Valley Community Foundation is a fitting choice, as they continue to be a reliable resource for our community when we are most in need," says CEO Emma Swain.
"If you would like to support the Foundation, the first forty donations of $500 will be invited to a summer luncheon at St. Supéry with Terence Mulligan, CEO of Napa Valley Community Foundation on July 23," says Swain. Simply note St. Supéry on your donation.
Learn more about the Napa Valley Community Disaster Relief Fund and St. Supéry's efforts at
