As of Jan 1 2021
Is at of course! I am posting stories I find interesting to my blog
Not using or checking now but keeping my account active in case I ever want to use it again. I have a blue check mark! Twitter is too angry and full of p#ssed off people. I have bookmarked a few accounts to check but plan to not really check them very much. i have noticed lots of brands I thought would be there have either stopped posting a long time ago or don't have accounts on Twitter anymore. I guess include me in that group now. It used to be fun and interesting.
Active at rick.stuart.35 and restarting to use bigrick pages
Facebook is kind of like Twitter but I pretty much just post there and then respond to comments from people on my posts. My posts are never political. If that's your thing that's cool but it is definitely not my thing. I keep it pretty light.
Send a friend request and I'll approve it if you are a real person :)
Active at bigrickxldj with lots of #DangerMenCooking food and #FromWhereIRide #bicycle ride photos. I try to follow back people who like my posts.
I do a podcast a few times a month with my friend Bob St Laurent, a musician and radio DJ in Napa. We sometimes have guests on the show. It can be found here and at all the big podcast places. We talk about music, entertainment, tv, movies, etc and keep it fun.
I host a streaming music show at Saturday and Sunday 3-6 playing pop music and some 80s 90s 00s. Just so you know it's very current pop and ballad heavy and not what I have played at Live 105, KFOG, or KFOX. It's a fun show to do and keeps me involved with some version of broadcasting and audio production from my home studio. There is a phone app for iPhone and Android - My Wine Radio - and you can get us on Amazon smart speakers by saying "Alexa play My Wine Radio"
I say my show offers up "fun music and good info"
I'd love to work at a terrestrial station again if the opportunity comes up.
I have accounts at a few other places but don't use them much.
See you out there!
