Ticket prices will remain unchanged from when Disneyland and Disney California Adventure closed in March 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Disneyland will still employ a five-tiered pricing system that charges less on slower days and more on busier days. Prices for single-day, single-park tickets continue to range from the $104 Tier 1 to the $154 Tier 5. The Tier 2 ($114), Tier 3 ($124) and Tier 4 ($139) ticket prices also remain unchanged. Parkhopper and multi-day tickets cost more.
The newly released pricing calendar shows what ticket tiers will be available on specific days over the next two months. The 60-day rolling calendar will reveal new dates and prices over time.
The ticket calendar will help visitors with unused tickets and those purchasing new tickets determine which days they can make a reservation to visit the reopened parks.
Visitors will need both a ticket and an advance reservation to get into Disneyland or DCA. Those with previously purchased tickets will need to make a reservation. Those without tickets will need to buy one first and then make a reservation.

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