more at The Drinks Business "Wine company offers mindblowing ‘lifelong subscription’ for just US$6,000"
from Obvious Wines

This one-time purchase deal, Life of Wine, allows you to order 4 bottles of wine per month, at no cost, for life.
That's essentially one bottle of vegan, estate grown, snob-free wine per week, for the rest of your life.
Drink them, give them out as gifts, tell your friends this is the craziest purchase you've made (even if it isn't, we see you Linda). Do whatever you want with the wines, it's not like you're going to run out!
We're actively discouraging people to buy this. We've done the math and it is a really bad deal for us, but hey, you only live once.
Life of Wine = $6,000
1 bottle of still Obvious Wines = $18
4 bottles per month x 12 months per year = 48 bottles per year
48 bottles (still) per year = $18 x 48 = $864
$6,000 / $864 = 6.94 years until consumer breakeven
Essentially, after 7 years, every wine you get is free!
